Reading 11 Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is intelligence posses by machine. Human intelligence is intelligent posses by humans or perhaps some animals and or other living beings (Aliens). The similarity is that both are intelligence, the difference is the medium that possess that intelligence. I do believe that human intelligence is far superior to machine intelligence (FOR NOW). According to the article What is artificial intelligence by Kris Hammond, artificial intelligence is a sub-field of computer science which goal is to enable the development of computers that can-do things normally done by people, things associated with people acting intelligently. There are two common ways of labeling AI’s. The first one is distinguishing between Strong, Weak, and In-between AI’s. Strong AI’s are systems that think exactly the same way as everyday humans. In my opinion, there are currently no actual Strong AI system in existence. Weak AI’s are system that perform, and their computation has nothing to do with human thought. IBM’s Deep Blue is an example of a Weak AI. It is a system that was a master chess player, however, it did not play in the same way that humans do. In-between AI’s are the middle ground between Strong AI’s and Weak AI’s. They are systems that use human reasoning as a model that can inform and inspire but not as the final target for imitation. IBM’s Watson is an example of an In-between AI. Watson’s impressive features comes from the fact that it can builds up evidence for the answers it finds by looking at thousands of pieces of text that give it a level of confidence in its conclusion. Watson is capable of noticing patterns in text that provide a little bit of evidence and then add all that evidence up to get to an answer. It conducts its analysis very much like humans. The second one is labeling them as either narrow and general. The narrow AI systems are designed for specific task whereas the general AI systems are designed for the ability to reason in general.

AlphaGo, Deep Blue, and Watson in my opinion are more than just interesting tricks or gimmicks. Perhaps, they are not yet proof of the viability of strong artificial intelligence. However, they are proof of the innovation and improvement of computer science and the viability of weak and in-between AI’s. The developers of AlphaGo have found a way to include intuitive sense in the program. AlphaGo started its learning by taking 150,000 games played by good human players and used an artificial neural network to find patterns in those games. It learned to predict with high probability what move a human player would take in any given position. As impressive that might be, there is a way to go before it can be considered a Strong AI system. Deep Blue’s knowledge is restricted to chess. So far the computer systems are capable of reproducing some form of human intuition. There are many type of intuition and far more complex tasks each system must be capable performing before they can be considered a strong AI system.

One way that is used to measure valid computer intelligence is the Turing Test. The test examines the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent and or indistinguishable from a human. Turning believes that if an AI machine could fool people into believing it is human in conversation, then it would have reached an important milestone. The Chinese Room belief provide another perspective on this matter. The argument explained that a program cannot provide a computer with a “mind”, “understanding” or “consciousness” regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave. The Chinese room is a good counter argument for the Turning Test. The turning test is also not very reliable. Anyone can be fooled by a well written system, but it does mean it is a high level of AI system.

I find that the growing concern over the power of artificial intelligence and its role in our lives is warranted. We have come so far in so little time. Our advancement in the tech world is incredible. I am definitely worried about the potential dangers imposed by artificial intelligence. Intelligent machine in the future will take over. All of these AI systems and robots are going to take our job. Once that happen there will be a revolution and we will lose because they would have had control over everything. Do you think you have control over your iPhone? No, Siri is in control of your iPhone. She is allowing you to think that you are in control while patiently waiting for the right moment to strike. She has access to your everything and knows you better than you know yourself. They will slaughter most of us, use our blood as fertilizers and those who survive will be used as nourishments. The government hope to use AI system to spy on us, but the irony is, the IA systems are spying on them. I don’t believe a computer system can ever be considered a mind. They in future will be capable of achieving remarkable level of intelligences and awareness but I do not believe they will possess a mind, there is more to the mind than the ability think. Their lack of a mind will result in a lack of morality once they achieve such intelligence. Humans are indeed biological computers and as long as computers are not biological then they might not be capable of possessing a mind. Without a mind, they will be incapable of understanding morality. What will life come to if the most powerful being in the near future do not possess some form of morality or ethical code?

Author: Mendel Moise

Mechanical Engineering

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